Thursday, August 26, 2010

To Take Shots At the King (Cellphone)

Lol I'm NOT a fanboy, but I am aggressive with my phone use, (Twitter,blog,email,MMS,etc) so I know I need a phone that can addhress these issues/concerns

A couple of things other phones need to do to de-thrown the Iphone.

First off, yes I'm a iPhone fan, I've been on board since the 2g. It changed my world forever when it came to phones in a number of ways, and set the standards but you know that.

Two of the biggest things Apple has over the competition is one, it supports it's own community. They update aggresive and usually addhress major issues quickly AND for the most part, correctly. Intact, when I used to call Applecare, I usually got a pair of headphones or a case for my troubles.

No.2: Better accessories. I have a powerful pocket charger. Now I know duracell and a few other companies offer them, but I've seen them and they are clunkish. If needed I can fully recharge my phone from dead, or charge my phone - while on it- from 20% to 100 and still have some extra juice. Plus the charger is small and compact, so if you got a moment you can recharge vs those people who walk around with a charger or sit in the far for an hour.

To bring things back on track, a pocket charger is a useful tool. The iPhone has many accessories that you need (they have a case that can charge your phone..but I didn't try it out..) So, let's see what the future holds for these phones.

--From the Iphone

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